Super Mario 3D All-Stars – Review

The biggest talking point in the Nintendo community for the last year has been the mystical atmosphere surrounding a collection of all of Mario’s biggest 3D outings, and when that 35th anniversary direct dropped proving its existence, it was like Jesus rising again. Though there is a lot of positives regarding the collection, there is also a number of negatives. In this long-winded review, I will be going over all three games, giving each their own specific review and rating, and then finishing up with a final review of them in context of the collection as a whole, with what I would rate the collection and my thoughts on it. Anyways, let us begin back in the era of ‘totally radical dude…’, the 90’s with Super Mario 64.

Super Mario 64 –

Title Theme - Super Mario 64 - YouTube

Super Mario 64 is a game that inspired what could be seen as all of the major releases in the modern day, through its revolutionary 3D gameplay. However, despite being seen as one of the best games of all-time, it obviously does have flaws that come with age and general being the first of a long-line of 3D platformers. Keep in mind, despite me being familiar with 64, I had never played the original until this Switch release.

Controls and Gameplay –

Of course, Mario 64 is known for its tight controls and acrobatic ability in giving the players freedom to find innovative ways to get around the worlds. Mario is arguably more fluid and tightly controlled than any other romp he has had in recent memory, despite the game’s old age.

I do think the controls and tightness go out the window when it comes to the water levels. These are an abomination, a true work of evil. The lack of detailed control over where Mario moves is something evil enough to drive even the most patient players insane.

Dire, Dire Docks - Super Mario Wiki, the Mario encyclopedia

Elsewhere, the camera also doesn’t render itself any favours when it comes to combining with the precise movement and jumps that is needed throughout the game. Of course, it works, but it is obvious why players were given full control of the camera in later titles, with the camera of 64 being responsible for a-many-o-deaths.

In handheld, the game works perfectly fine, and is a glimpse into what the DS remake of Mario 64 could have played like, however, I personally will always prefer to sit down and play Mario 64 on a TV with a controller in-hand.

Music –

Out of any of the Mario games, and just gaming in general, I don’t there is a game that has managed to make every track as universally recognisable as Mario 64. Tracks such as ‘Slide’, which you can listen to via this link:, had me whistling along despite the tedious nature of the auto-scrolling carpet. As well as this, upon booting up the game the emotions took over, as despite not playing the original 64, I did grow up with the DS version which kept many of the original tracks. The atmosphere of this game combined with the music is something that many should treasure, as even the water levels are compositional masterpieces.

Visuals and Graphics –

Of course this is an area of struggle, but for a game made in the 90’s, I have to say, Mario 64 looks fantastic and vibrant even still, in the modern day.

Super Mario 64 smoke glitch uncovered, fixed with a single line of code

Obviously there is a lot of lacking textures and blurriness for certain textures, but in general, looking at the time in which 64 came out and comparing it to other games of the time or even games released a few years after it, it was a top graphical revel of its time.

Tall, Tall Mountain | Nintendo | Fandom

Difficulty –

In Mario 64, many may quickly latch to the easiness of the game, but trust me, you have not struggled with life until you have managed to do Tick Tock Clock.

There is large gaps in difficulty. Such as the star atop of the Snowman’s head. Without the discovery of the ability to stand on the penguin’s head, I am almost certain that this star would have resulted with the Switch being smashed.

Snowman's Big Head - Super Mario Wiki, the Mario encyclopedia

In comparison then you have stars like the one where you are required to beat Wriggler. He takes three hits and I seriously am unsure what to tell you if you’re struggling with beating this oversized caterpillar for this star.

Super Mario 64 Walkthrough: 13-6 Make Wiggler Squirm - YouTube

In general, these stars, amongst many others show the vast difficulty gaps that exist within Mario 64. I could go on forever about the easy stars against the painfully tedious and difficult ones, but if you have played 64 then you know which ones I am talking about already.


Yes, I am aware I based an entire section on an imaginary word, but I feel this is important to consider when evaluating just how good Mario 64 is. Genuinely, I personally do not think there is a game out there with as many memorable, identifiable and iconic moments and visuals as Mario 64. Each world is vividly stamped into your mind once you finish this game, and they are something you will never forget, whether that be for the better or the worse.

Along with that, as I said, the music in the game combined with the areas and visuals is something which adds to the memories that get etched into your mind as the player. They bring life and urgency to these worlds and make them all the more vivid not just in the short term but also the long-term.

Despite not being the best Mario game in many respects, I do not think that any Mario game even in recent time will ever be able to match the level of iconic power that Mario 64 held and still holds today. It seems like every section of the game is instantly re-countable for everyone who has played Mario 64. This is all spite in losing the most iconic Mario moment of all-time, with gay Bowser now coming out as bisexual in the last two-decades.

Top 10 Final Bosses in Mario | Mario Amino

Where Super Mario 64 Could Improve?

Of course the movement could be a little more precise when turning. The camera could be majorly revamped and improved in the modern-day to make the platforming an almost flawless experience also. Along with these points, the graphical dating of many textures in the world of 64 began to show their age a long time ago, so they could also be improved and updated. Lastly, the large spikes in difficulty between stars and the pure tedious nature of falling and having to start from scratch for 100 coins in courses like Tick-Tock-Clock, for example, could be more streamlined or at least kept in balance with the difficulty of the rest of the game.

Does Mario 64 Hold-Up and Final Thoughts –

Rather surprisingly for me, yes, Mario 64 held up pretty well. There have been few games I have played in recent years that have allowed me to sit down for multiple hours and completely shut off from the rest of the world and be completely engulfed in my screen. Despite some things that have aged with time, Mario 64 shows why it was one of the revolutionary turning points in gaming, and why it remains such an iconic and enjoyable experience even in the modern day.

Cake - Super Mario Wiki, the Mario encyclopedia

Final Rating of Super Mario 64 – 8.5/10

Super Mario Sunshine

Title Theme - Super Mario Sunshine - YouTube

Often seen as both the best and the worst Mario game ever-made, you can be forgiven for being on either side of the coin when it comes to Mario 64’s follow-up title. However, warnings ahead for my thoughts on this cult-classic for many, as I had not played it prior to this collection and it was probably the Mario game that I have had the least amount of prior knowledge of going into a play-through, so really, I had no idea what to expect. However, being the follow-up act to Mario 64 was always going to be a difficult challenge for Nintendo, so, how did they do?

Controls and Gameplay –

The major gimmick of Mario Sunshine is probably the least-Mario-ish idea we will ever see, that being the sentient water-sprayer, Fludd. For me, Fludd took some getting used to, with me initially not liking the addition of the device and not enjoying the movement using it. However, over time, you get used to having it and using its capabilities become second nature. So, overall I think Fludd is a more of a positive addition to Sunshine than a negative, although it majorly transforms and detracts from what players would come to expect from a traditional Mario 3D platformer.

Super Mario Sunshine 2: Will we ever get a sequel?

Very early on when I started Sunshine, one of the first negatives I noticed was the lack of one of the most important moves from Mario 64, that being the long jump. This is what I was speaking of when it comes to what the addition of Fludd detracts from a Mario platformer. Some moves just get completely scrapped or feel odd when Fludd is the mainline mode of platforming traversal.

In general, Mario feels a lot lighter and slippery to move around in this game in comparison to the often weighted and tight parkour movement of Mario in 64. This can often be a positive but it is something of pure hell when playing in the secret stages. Mario is slippy and it becomes so easy to just casually slide off an edge into the abyss or accidentally run off a cramped platform.

Red Coins in the Yoshi-Go-Round - Super Mario Wiki, the Mario encyclopedia

Also, in comparison to 64, I actually found myself playing Sunshine in handheld mode on the Switch more so than in docked mode. However, this is usually the case for me, I tend to play games I am not enjoying as much in handheld mode whilst I have something else on in the background on the TV. Although yes, Sunshine works perfectly in handheld mode and feels great otherwise.

Also as a slight nit-pick, the frame rate dipped for me a handful of times when moving through Delfino Plaza, however that is not a major issue.

Music –

Of course, it doesn’t matter how much I may dislike a Mario game, the music will always be stellar, and with Sunshine it is no different. Tracks such as the music to Noki Bay, ignite a sense of nostalgia and just immersion into a nicer and more kind world that is far from the reality of the real world, you can listen to the track via this link: Amongst this track there is many more memorable songs that sooth the often tedious and cruel nature of the game, such as the music to the secret levels, which is just so charming and soothing in a situation where many are sure to be up in arms in pure anger.

Visuals and Graphics –

Graphically Mario Sunshine blew me away with how it looked for a game released in 2002. Despite being revamped to fit HD, it looked absolutely incredible. In so many ways, you could be forgiven for taking Mario Sunshine as a modern game.

Some examples of the incredible displays and visuals came with the model for Princess Peach, which is arguably as crisp and detailed as the Toadstool princess has ever been.

Super Mario Sunshine - The Movie (All Cutscenes) - YouTube

As well as this, the general aesthetics of many of the areas in Sunshine are just incredible. A personal favourite of mine was the background visuals of the secret level based on Yoshi’s Island.

The Yoshi-Go-Round's Secret - Super Mario Wiki, the Mario encyclopedia

Lastly, the aesthetic of Sunshine is something I can appreciate. All the levels are visible from each other regardless of where you are, and despite the fact that this can make all the levels feel same in their visual design, I can still appreciate the attempt to make Isle Delfino feel and look like a legitimate place.

Difficulty –

As hinted at throughout this review, Mario Sunshine is easily the most tedious, annoying and most unbearable Mario game for me. There are many reasons for this opinion.

Levels such as the secret levels, most notably the secret level near the beginning of the game where you need to move on a diagonally rotating cube multiple times, combined with the slippy and sudden nature of Mario’s movement left me needing about 20 tries to complete it. On top of this, the boot-out system makes the situation all the more frustrating due to the low amount of lives and the high amount of attempts these levels take.

Super Mario Sunshine Game Over (White Screen) - YouTube

In terms of actual non-secret objectives, the Watermelon festival is well known for being one of the more tedious objectives. I moved two melons before realising the one I was supposed to be going for was atop the cliff. This didn’t take me many tries, but it was tedious, frustrating and just plain un-fun.

The Watermelon Festival - Super Mario Wiki, the Mario encyclopedia

This is a trend in a lot of Mario Sunshine’s objectives in comparison to other 3D Mario games, and that is their often long-length and tedious nature. Mario objectives are at their best when they are swift and enjoyable, but it feels the exact opposite to this in Sunshine. This left me feeling like the game was a massive slog to get through. rather than eagerly looking forward to the next objective.

Iconicacy –

Of course Mario Sunshine will always be iconic, it is a Mario game after all. However, in comparison to games like 64 and Galaxy, I feel the collection of people who remember every detail of Sunshine and adore it are a lot more niche and tight-night than those of the aforementioned titles.

Sunshine is iconic, as Mario is iconic, but for me it doesn’t come close in any area to the title that it followed-up or the title that it came before.

Where Could Super Mario Sunshine Improve –

Mario Sunshine does a lot right, and I still enjoyed many parts of it, however there are some major glaring issues that made the game unenjoyable for me on a personal level.

The tedious missions that are spread out throughout the levels can feel like an attempt to pad out the play-time. Missions are often incredible long in comparison to 64 and that combined with the annoying and frustrating nature of many can make them feel like more of a chore than a fun time. I think making the shine sprites more reasonably obtainable and swift to get would make the game all-round more enjoyable.

As well as this, the game offers incredibly high difficulty spikes. There are moments of gameplay that are nothing short of cruel, such as the sand-bird or as I mentioned, the Watermelon festival. These are bad enough to begin with, but combined with a boot-out system can make them all the more annoying and unforgiving. I think that a more consistent basis for objectives and levels, combined with somehow eliminating the boot-out system in many instances would make this far more enjoyable.

The Sand Bird level from Super Mario Sunshine : nostalgia

One of the big things for me that dulled my experience was the lack of a streamlined traversal or tracking system. In Mario 64, you know what is a level and what isn’t. All levels are paintings, so it is down to you to identify the paintings, however in Sunshine it can become unclear where to go and what to do next with all level launching areas being different in appearance and not available to you at consistent spreads of time. I think making all level launchers look the same or generally have the same visual style would make them a lot more easily identifiable and thus making it easier to determine where the next objective is to be.

Super Mario 3D All-Stars: How to unlock all worlds in Super Mario Sunshine  | iMore

Does Mario Sunshine Hold-Up and Final Thoughts –

Visually yes, it does hold up in the modern day. In many other areas though, such as the points mentioned in my previous section, a game like Sunshine is clear to see why it may have been for a more niche gamer back in the day and why it is seen as more of a cult-game than a beloved classic for everybody even now.

Sunshine tried something wacky and new, and for that, I can and will always respect that move to take risks and not stay within your comfort zone. Personally, despite this respect I have for the guts to take a risk, I found the game to be more tedious and annoying than enjoyable and fun. Mario Sunshine feels nothing like what a traditional 3D Mario platformer would be expected to feel like. Although, I can also see why many would love Sunshine and regard it as their favourite Mario game, me really not liking the title is just my personally preference.

Completion - Super Mario Wiki, the Mario encyclopedia

Final Score of Super Mario Sunshine – 7/10

Super Mario Galaxy –

Mario Galaxy, despite being one of the more linear 3D Mario titles in the sense of the missions being a straightforward guide of getting from the beginning to the end, is still incredibly unique. The general idea of Mario being in space with all of these random and completely unique galaxies and planets has a brilliant set-up for endless possibilities in terms of what could be done. This is obvious considering the developers had so many ideas with this concept that they had to go and make a sequel just to fit them all into games. In this last section of my review of the three titles in Mario 3D Allstars, I’ll be going over what I thought of every area of Super Mario Galaxy.

Controls and Gameplay –

There are a number of components when it comes to controls and gameplay mechanics that I was unsure of how they would be adapted to the Switch from the Wii, despite the Switch also being capable of motion controls. These fears in some ways were fully realised whilst playing the game and in many other ways, completely soothed.

In terms of the controls, Mario generally feels just like he did in the Wii version, whether that is for the better or for the worse is up to you to decide. However, there are a number of buggy, finicky and annoying elements to Mario’s movement in Galaxy.

In Galaxy, Mario is probably the most sluggish feeling he has ever felt. This is largely down to the concept of gravity within Galaxy, however it still does leave me keening for the swift and nimble movement of Mario in 64. In Galaxy it is a lot harder to get speed, height or for example, with the sidewards jump, a long distance.

When in a spherical domain, Mario can often get caught in a loop where the rotation of the area he is in doesn’t match the direction that the analog on the joy-con is pointing. This can lead to aimless movement around the area or in some cases, Mario getting caught in a sudden loop of movement.

Does anyone know if its possible to make like small spheres which have  gravity so you can walk on them like in super mario galaxy? : PS4Dreams

Something which is a major issue and probably the biggest issue for me that is exclusive to the Switch version of Galaxy is the fact that the pointer just does not work. This is a weird one as I have seen almost next to nobody complain about this. In Galaxy, the pointer for the right joy-con is just as involved as the left, however, with a lack of a Wii sensor bar to centre itself to, the pointer is incredibly easily thrown off-centre and will require almost constant recalibration by turning the joy-con on and off again (a.k.a, docking and undocking the joy-con). This takes away from a lot of the fluidity and enjoyment that comes with playing Galaxy, although I assume for many, it is something you learn to accept and get over.

In handheld mode, unlike the previous two entries, Galaxy falls flat. Galaxy is almost completely unenjoyable in handheld mode, due to the pointer and collection of starbits being left to the player’s hand in tapping the screen. Not only will this lead to a smudged screen, but also it requires you to take your hand off of the Switch to collect the starbits and interact with the pointer. I was always unsure how Galaxy would convert to handheld, and I can be certain that I was right when I thought it would detract massively from the experience in order to make it work.

Music –

The entrance music in Galaxy is always something that holds a strong meaning for me. That moment you slam down on that first-planet and you see the universe ahead of you is something that creates a special type of aura. Along with this, the music in Galaxy is a bombastic orchestra, showing a sense of epicness and grandeur to the world of Galaxy.

Visuals and Graphics –

Mario Galaxy is a game that could stand for a modern release, especially with the new crisp updated HD visuals. The general vibe and aesthetic of Galaxy is one of immense calmness and often coldness. The viewing of the endless void in the distance of a never-ending space is something that creates a sense of wonder but also an eerie feeling of the unknown.

HD wallpaper: Super Mario, Galaxy, Space, Game | Wallpaper Flare

In terms of Mario himself, he looks a bit more odd than I remember him. For some reason he looks like his mouth is constantly filled with water and that his cheeks and chin are made out of exclusively cellulite, not sure if this is how it was in the original release, but something I noticed nonetheless.

Although not mentioned in the other games, I do think it is important to mention the stars from Galaxy too. I feel they are the most satisfying they have ever looked. And despite this being a random thought that holds no substance, I found myself wanting to eat them due to their buttery/caramel design.

Difficulty –

As I said, in comparison to 64 and Sunshine, Galaxy is a lot more forgiving to the player. Plenty of time to move around, combined with plenty of lives, combined AGAIN with respawning at appropriate areas rather than being resorted to a boot-out all lead for a generally more comfortable and relaxing experience.

However, Galaxy does have its janky moments too, such as the ball level that requires you to snap your wrist with whiplash in an attempt to halt the ball from falling off the cliff.

Iconicacy –

In terms of iconicacy, Mario Galaxy has its spot cemented in history. However for me, on a personal, biased note, Mario Galaxy 2 will always be the more memorable of the two. As this is the last entry in this review, I think it is appropriate to mention where I think these games rank in their level of iconicacy.

At the top of the pile by a long-shot is Super Mario 64, as I said in my original review of that game, never has there been a game that broke the barriers and conventions as much as 64 did, as well as that, the music, style and visuals from the game are something that is almost recognisable by any gamer on the planet. This in comparison to other titles like Galaxy and Sunshine, despite having their memorable moments, do not even come close. After 64 is Galaxy, which has all its praise laid out online by every single video-game lover on the planet. Lastly, Sunshine. Not to say it doesn’t have memorable moments, but Sunshine for me always struck me as a more cult-classic and niche title than 64 and Galaxy.

Where Could Super Mario Galaxy Improve?

Mentioning where Galaxy could improve is futile as Galaxy 2 improved and solved almost every single issue or short-coming that the original title may have had. So, in general, the perfect answer for where Super Mario Galaxy could improve is… buy Mario Galaxy 2. This isn’t to say Galaxy is bad, if anything it just shows how incredibly mind-blowing the sequel is.

As for the Switch version of the game, controls is the main problem. As I said, sphere movement is an issue, as well as the centralisation of the pointer on-screen. I am not sure how to rectify these issues as I personally never really expected Galaxy to work on anything except a Wii anyways. But regardless, these are problems and things that would need improvement if they were to bring Galaxy 2 onto the Switch at some point, which I am sure they will.

Does Super Mario Galaxy Hold-Up and Final Thoughts –

Yes, yes, yes, one-billion percent Mario Galaxy holds up today. I have done my best to explain how incredibly calming and enjoyable this game is to play, amongst the abundance of objectives, stars and galaxies to explore. If you are yet to play Galaxy then do yourself a favour and stop depriving yourself.

In conclusion, Galaxy is an almost flawless game, however the Switch entry does provide a few major annoyances when it comes to the controls. Either-way, if you can look past the shortcomings in the controls on the Switch, Galaxy is still just as good as it was when it released over a decade ago.

Super Mario Galaxy Contains the Series' Most Tragic Story | CBR

Final Score of Super Mario Galaxy – 9/10

My Final Thoughts on Super Mario 3D Allstars as a Collection –

There is not much to complain about when it comes to what can be regarded as three of the most popular and enjoyed games of all-time. If you are looking for hours of fun to take you away from the terrible world we live in today, then this collection is perfect. The price of €60 may seem hefty to many, but for me, Nintendo could have easily sold these three games separately and people would have still bought them, so I am glad that something that once seemed like a far-off rumour was able to exist physically in my hands.

Obviously, the collection would have been perfected if it had been remakes of the three games, rather than just upscaled ports, but sometimes in life not everything can be the ideal version of what you would want. I too would have adored remakes of these three games, but my want for remakes does not detract from my enjoyment of playing the originals.

Final Score of the Super Mario 3D Allstars – 8.5/10